Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Literary Leching / Posthumous Perving.

Orkney Archive Reference D23/29/6
Dusty: (sliding magazine onto table) Isn't he lovely?

Archiver: Ooooh! Lovely! Who's that?

Dusty: J. Storer Clouston. He was very good looking don't you think?

Archiver: Yes, handsome. Indeed...

Dusty: So handsome.

Archiver: Yep.

Dusty: A brilliant writer too of course.

Archiver: Oh yeah. Definitely.

Dusty: Nice cheek bones...

Archiver: Yeah...


  1. I like the guy to his left. ^_^

  2. What would we do without you!?! Out library students will loooovveeeee this :)

  3. I'm enjoying the name of the other author mentioned on his Wikipedia page: Charles Earle Funk. I'm imagining that his middle name should be in quote marks, and that he was also a jazz musician.


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