Photo: Charles Tait Photographic, The Orkney Guide Book, Third Edition.
Other names for Eynhallow include 'The Enchanted Isle' and 'The Disappearing Isle' as it was allegedly not always visible to human eyes and was the summer residence of mermaids and finfolk. Apparently, the only way to be sure to reach the island is for the pilot of the boat to never take his eyes from land and to be gripping iron at all times.
More Eynhallow folklore can be found here.
The uninhabited island is inaccessible for most of the year due to strong tides from both sides but the wonderful Orkney Heritage Society, put on a trip each year in July.
This year's trip should, weather permitting, take place on Monday 22nd July. Tickets are £20 for adults and £10 for under 12s and available from the Archive department (we are on the first floor of Orkney Library.) We accept cash or cheques and require the names of all ticket holders and a contact telephone number in the event of cancellation.
The boat shall depart from Tingwall at 7.15pm and shall leave Eynhallow at 10.15pm.
Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult and no dogs are permitted.
Information taken from:
The Orkney Guide Book, Third Edition by Charles Tait.
Eynhallow by John Mooney