Showing posts with label Old adverts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old adverts. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Peace On Earth 1918 - An Archive Advent Calendar #5

Todays blog is a collection of local adverts in the run-up to Christmas 1918. We are delighted by the mentions of cosy slippers and 'dainty, serviceable novelties' but deeply saddened (yet intrigued) at the thought of tea and coffee made with tablets.

Click to enlarge

Saturday, 20 January 2018

My name is archiver and I am a tea drunkard...

This may not be the weirdest old advert ever and it may not be the most depressing or bewildering but it is certainly up there with the funniest. (Although this one still makes us laugh after many years...)

If you or a friend know of anyone who was driven to murder by too many eggs, do let us know.

Taken from an Orkney Herald dated 21st September 1898.

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Biscuity Nonsense

The next time someone tries to wrestle the 20th biscuit from your hand you can now shout 'Do you want me to be a dental cripple? Well, DO YOU?!!'

You're welcome.

Taken from a 1968 Orcadian.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

The (Not so) Wonderful World of 1940s Adverts (Part 5)

It took me aaaaages to realise what this baffling advert was referring to. How mentally draining it must have been being a woman in the 1940s...and how annoying when there were LOADS of very Un-coy adverts about really gross things in nearly every issue of The Orcadian:

Eww Warts!

"It just decays in your bowels..."
 How are the words 'sanitary' and 'towel' worse than 'wart', 'bowel' or the phrase 'two pints of bile flowing freely'?

Give me a roaring woman jumping out of a plane any day.

All adverts taken from 1947 editions of The Orcadian

Saturday, 4 February 2017

We Do Like Biscuits... are You SURE They Like Us?

Some welcome alternative facts on biscuits from the lying advertisers of yore:

Taken from a 1945 edition of The Orcadian.
Maybe living in wartime Britain wasn't as bad as I've always assumed if biscuits were considered a health food.

We've fallen for this nonsense before though...

Friday, 27 January 2017

The Harsh World of 1960's adverts

Wow, these adverts from a 1967 Orcadian are just not holding back are they? I had to wipe imaginary spittle from my face after reading the second one...

Friday, 23 August 2013

Weirdest Old Advert EVER.

What has this picture got to do with photography????!!!!

(Orcadian Newspaper 1936)

Monday, 19 August 2013

Please Meet Jason, the Unshrinkable Pants

Ahhh ha ha! I shall henceforth refer to my own underwear as 'Deborah'. You?

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

A Biscuit That Can Get You Drunk. FINALLY...

You know how it's really annoying that you can't pour wine down your throat whilst simultaneously cramming your face with biscuits? Problem over readers, problem solved:

Wine biscuits. Perfect for surreptitious staff-room drunkenness and for drowning your sorrows whilst wearing your over-sized mourning clothes.

Advert taken from 1940 edition of Peace's Orkney Almanac.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

All Aboard The Marge Barge...

Yeah, 1940s woman! If there's anything that really enrages me it is unfounded prejudice against spreads. I overheard my friend's grandmother disparaging Olivio once and I punched her in the face.

All adverts taken from 1939 editions of The Orcadian.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Bovril Is Liquid. Cocoa is Liquid. Both are Brown.

One cannot help but feel that the advertisers of these hot drinks have gotten a little over excited...

All adverts taken from 1909 editions of The Orcadian

Friday, 20 July 2012

Soap Wars!

Before the National Television Awards began, they looked like this...

I love the snippyness of the one above...

...and the ridiculous pomposity above. This soap is so fancy, it has it's own coat of arms! Where would this soap pageantry have ended had it not been checked? Dove bars with epaulets on the ends of them? Boxes of Daz cruising around on segues?

Information taken from an edition of The Orcadian newspaper dated 14th May 1892.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

I KNEW it!

"Pure" you say? Increases Muscular Strength? Gives Physical Endurance and Staying Power?

Quick friends; to the microfilm readers to search for proof that wine raises IQ levels and makes you a groovier dancer permanently, not just post-quaff!

 There could also be evidence that cakes are not 'fattening' and 'artery clogging' but 'invigorating to the digestive tract' and 'advisable to eat in large quantities.'

Get to it!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

You Basic Slaaaaag!

Vintage readers of this blog shall already know how much this 1940s ad campaign freaked us out. On this day in 1953 the company took things further with the creepy Wright's Biscuits child emerging from a television screen like that girl in The Ring whilst muttering " I'm Nuts. Ginger Nuts."

It would surely be more effective if the slogan was " I'm nuts, for ginger nuts".

I can only speak for myself, but a picture of a leering child proclaiming their mental illness does not make me in the least bit peckish.


The next time I feel the need to give a person a piece of my mind, the first insult which rolls off my tongue shall be inspired by this simple advert.

Adverts taken from The Orcadian dated 20th October 1953.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Just When You Thought That Bran Based Cereal Couldn't Get More Depressing.....

Hi, my name's Henry. When a leading food manufacturer asked me to appear in a nationwide newspaper advertising campaign in 1955, I was thrilled. I mean, who wouldn't be? Look at the men pictured above; they look great! Straddling pylons, pointing at us while puffing on pipes, giving cheery, masculine waves in their well-cut suits... "Sign me up!", I cried, "I can't wait to look suave! I'm going to phone my mum!"

Here is my ad:

When I first saw it, I was a little disappointed. I thought that the whole constipation thing was embarrassing and I was troubled by what seemed to me to be a sad, empty desperate void behind my eager-to-please eyes.

My mum told me that I'm being silly, however, and that I look just as smart as all those other guys. She's sent copies of the advert to all our friends and family and, when they laugh hysterically, Mum just tells me that they're jealous.

Thanks Mum!

All adverts taken from September 1955 editions of The Orcadian.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Wishing I Lived in 1884...

Whilst looking through 1884 papers for Australian emigration adverts, I found these delights:

Why are scientists spending cancer research money on wasteful laboratory work? They should just travel back in time to 1884 and pick up some Clarke's Blood Mixture.

Some subliminal advertising, cunningly hidden in the midst of news. Excuse me, I've got a powerful craving for some Hops Bitters....

The poshest, most thrilling column of news ever: pirates, duels and dukes!

Some useful fashion and beauty tips for lovely ladies...

Information taken from Orkney Heralds dated 9th, 23rd and 30th of January and an Orcadian dated the 19th of January 1884.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Oh 1938 Ad-men, What Were You Thinking?

First of all, whoever is letting that baby hold a steaming tea cup of Oxo needs a visit from Social Services yesterday.

Secondly, Oxo with milk is not 'especially good', it is 'almost unfeasably rank.'

The End.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Happy Birthday Get Dusty!

This blog is one year old. Yes, the online archive only goes back to September, but posts were being prepared from April 15th onwards. (Let us just gloss over the fact that we did not understand how date posting worked when we began. Can you back date posts? Anyway....)

We will probably have an online birthday too on the 3rd of September like those kids who get half birthdays as well as proper birthdays (what's THAT about?). So there will be another opportunity to shower us with gifts. This would do nicely.

We thought about closing for the day and having a paintball tournament in the searchroom to celebrate and then remembered that this is an archive full of priceless documents and reconsidered. So how to celebrate?

To celebrate in a relevant fashion, here is another ridiculous 1940s ad for cold remedies which actually has a guy smoking, and the one above, which could not be used today simply because it it so completely repulsive. Both are taken from a 1943 Orcadian.

I asked my colleague to think of 'something cool' to put up for the blog birthday and was shown the awesome Kirkwall Charter which is pictured at the top of the page. It is kept in a special box and just look at the amazing seal on it! It dates from the 15th of May 1661 and it is a Charter of Confirmation by King Charles II in favour of the Burgh of Kirkwall.

We told three of our favourite celebrities, Stevie Wonder, Girl in a Striped Top and Terry Wogan that it was our blogging birthday and they very kindly travelled back in time and put together this little video for us. Guys, you shouldn't have!
Charter reference: K1/16/2