Thursday 2 December 2010

He is Calling You, Calling You... On The Saviour's Day!

Now that the library Christmas tree has arrived and Steven's fab advent calender has been unveiled (see our twitter page for each day's hand-crafted-by-staff door countdown) we have decided that it is time to festoon the normally staid archive with inappropriate glitter and twinkliness.

It does look better in real life, honest.

The flashing fairy lights may irritate Orkney Room readers and the tinsel on our computers does somewhat obscure our views of the screens but surely constant, low-level irritation is as much a Christmas tradition as Cliff Richard and Walford punch-ups?

Our decorations include candle-like lights, wreaths, poinsettias, a small yet glittery Christmas tree, fairy lights and delightful tinsel head-gear for our long-suffering Orkney Room busts.

Edwin never minds, he thinks it's just a bit of fun.

George seems indifferent but has never complained.

Stanley is unsure.

Eric is always absolutely furious. We just bung it on his head and then run away from those angry, angry eyes.


  1. Greetings from an unusually snowy south coast.

    Those are seriously large, erm, baubles on that tree. Have you nicked them from lobster fishermen with a taste for the bling-iest floats?

    Love the blog, reminds me of the staffroom at a county archive where I used to work. The Alternative Universe hosted some very odd conversations over the custard creams and instant coffee. I am not an archivist, but some of my best friends.....etc etc.

    We have a statue of our famous writer, Thom Hardye Esq, in the county town. Poor chap often sports a traffic cone or Santa hat, but not seen tinsel yet!

  2. Will have to look out some tinsel for our very own GMB bust otherwise he'll feel left out!


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