Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Orkney is shrouded in such heavy clouds that it could almost be night and there's another gale on the way, and I was awake far earlier this morning than seemed natural. But never mind, it's a new year so lets all gird our loins and look forward to the coming year. Happy new year to you all.

This time we're looking back a hundred years to 1912. This photograph shows a team of bankers from that year, found in collection D30 - Papers of Mary Robertson Sinclair.

I imagine this team would have been highly successful as any balls put in their net by their opponents would have taken three to five days to appear on the scoreboard.


  1. Do you like general archival documents? Not of orkney but about stuff in the ooter world over 50 years gone by. Mostly good condition and quite interesting bits and pieces.

    Simon Treasure

  2. Happy New Year Simon!

    Sorry but we only accept archives relating to Orkney.


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